Tired of paying long-term insurance payments?
Switch to LIC WARNA where you get long-term protection and benefits with a handy limited payment plan.
This is a limited premium, non-linked, participating saving-cum-protection plan.
Survival Benefit:
Sum Assured with reversionary bonus is payable at the end of the policy term.
Death Benefit:
The sum assured plus accrued reversionary bonus. In addition, an amount equal to
10% of the sum assured subject a maximum of 200,000 is payable as a funeral benefit.
Accident Death Benefit:
Double Sum Assured + Accrued Reversionary Bonus as on the date of death
Age Limit: 8 to 60 years
Policy Term: 10 / 15 / 20 years
Minimum Sum Assured: Rs.150,000
Premium Paying Term: Limited Premium Paying Terms of 3 years and 5 years
Mod of premium payment: Yearly / Half-Yearly / Quarterly and Monthly